Capital Intelligence

Capital Intelligence (“CI”) is a rating agency based in Cyprus focusing mainly on banks in emerging markets. CI also covers non-financial corporates and assigns sovereign ratings. CI operates under a special model as it charges issuers and subscribers for the ratings.

Country of residence: Cyprus.


Registration status

CI is registered as CRA in the European Union with ESMA since May 2012.

CI is an eligible ECAI across the whole European Union since January 2014. Additionally, CI is an eligible ECAI in several countries in the Middle-East.

CI is considered a small Credit rating agency for the purpose of Article 8d of CRAIII.

Rating activity

Based on ESMAs CEREP database, we find the following rating activity for CI for 2022:

Rating scale and mapping

CI uses the following Long-term Issuer Rating Scale:

The mapping to regulatory steps in the banking sector in the EU is based on the latest available mapping from the European Banking Authority available here. The mapping to regulatory steps in the insurance sector in the EU is based on the latest available mapping from the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority available here.

Usefull links

List of rated banks

list of recent rating actions

Regulatory affairs

Credit rating methodologies

Rating scale

Rating definitions

EU transparency report

Sovereign rating calendar

Initial / preliminary ratings disclosures

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